Independent Contractor FAQs


Live Events Media Group (LEMG) strives to keep our Independent (Freelance) Contractors informed on policy updates and common inquiries.  The list below will be updated as we receive more feedback. 

LEMG now requires Workers Comp coverage from all freelancers working with us. How much coverage is required?

Workers’ Compensation and Employers’ Liability Insurance

$500,000 Each Accident

$500,000 Each Employee for Injury by Disease

$500,000 Aggregate for Injury by Disease

Which companies provide this type of insurance?

While LEMG does not endorse any particular agent or insurance company, we can confirm that we are receiving COIs from the following companies:

Citizens Insurance Company of America
State Farm
Liberty Mutual
Accident Fund Insurance Company of America
National Specialty Insurance Company
Ohio Security Insurance Company


Can you provide a Sample COI that I can share with my insurance agent?

Yes, you can use the Sample COI linked here.

What if I am exempt from WC in my state of residence?

Unfortunately, we are unable to accept the exemption in lieu of coverage (regardless of state).

Where do I send my COI?

Email:  [email protected]

Mail:  Live Events Media Group (301 E John St, Unit 3192 Matthews, NC 28106)

Can LEMG deduct a percentage off my invoice in lieu of obtaining my own insurance coverage?

No.  While this option was considered, it was found to be in the best interest of both parties for the independent contractor to provide their own insurance coverage.
